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Consciousness is Everything

One of the guiding principles or collective promises of POW Group is; "to put your light in the forefront".

We all have an individual, a unique light, within. But most of the time we either forget we have this or we don't even know we have it. We are used to living in reaction all the time that we don't "create time" to stop and get to know ourselves. Wouldn't it be great, when you meet someone for the first time, to show your light, rather than all the insecurities, doubts, "already always knowing"ness?

It can be really difficult to see the Light always in everything—to find goodness and growth in all that crosses our path. But this is the exact challenge we need to master: to look for the lesson in the pain; to look at another individual and find out what is right with him, rather than what is wrong ; to see the cup before us as half full rather than half empty. We are not actually here in this world to work on being "perfect" and repair our bad habits, insecurities, relationships. These corrections are important, of course, but why we are really here is to bring ourselves to a place where we understand—deeply and without question—that our consciousness is the thing that determines our world and everything in it.

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